

What does the future look like? After hearing this question, we think something huge is about to happen. We think about some major consequences of technology such as unemployment due to robotization and Al. In the next decade, freelancers are expected to occupy a majority percentage of the workforce because of factors such as flexibility, automation, and the opportunity to earn extra cash. Furthermore, over 50% of the traditional workers in the USA do not believe that their jobs will still exist in the next 20 years. In addition, the younger generation has preferred to invest their funds in crypto as compared to stocks because they no longer believe in long-term employment security or the sustainability of pension operations. In the end, the employment system is experiencing a global scenario where talent retaining in the company is becoming less sustainable economic wise. To solve this problem related to a rapidly changing economy, companies prefer to hire consultants that focus on a particular project. Instead of settling for this method, why should we not create and build the future of work that we all want to enjoy? At the VORA NETWORK platform, we are moving away from a passive situation to a more active work future. A future that supports working for a decentralized community that will support the distribution of the value created across the platform members and communities as compared to the global giant marketplace. To achieve this and meet up with the fast pace of the economy, companies prefer to hire consultants for particular projects.


  • No voice

  • Work in a corporate office

  • Work 9-5

  • Focused on input

  • Use company equipment

  • Hoards information

  • Focused on knowledge

  • Corporate learning and teaching

  • Relies on Email

  • Pre-defined work

  • Climb the corporate ladder


  • Create your ladder

  • Use any device

  • Work anywhere

  • Shares information

  • Work anytime

  • Focus on adapting

  • Focused on output

  • Customized work

  • Can become a leader

  • Democratized learning and teaching

  • Relies on collaboration technologies

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